(en) Password security tips

“123456”, “password”, “hello” - these 3 passwords are among the most frequently used passwords in Austria. But these passwords are not only popular, but unfortunately also very insecure.
We give you tips on how to create secure passwords and protect your accounts.

• Your password should be as long as possible.
• Capital letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters should be included.
• The words should not be related to each other, but should be random combinations.
• You should not use words or names that are related to you.
• It is also important that you do not use one password for multiple accounts.

If you follow these tips, it will make it almost impossible for attackers to find out your password!

An example:
The password “Studium1” can be cracked by a conventional PC within a few hours, for the password “§tudium_S1cherhe1t” the same PC would take 300 trillion years.
You can check the security of your password on the website https://checkdeinpasswort.de/. You should also regularly check your access data at https://haveibeenpwned.com/. This is how you find out whether your account data has been leaked. Then you should change your password immediately.