(en) Phishing mails

The term "phishing" is a combination of "password" and "fishing".

Phishing is the attempt to extract Internet users' personal data (e.g. for online banking).

As email is still the most important online communication tool, tricksters use it to fill it with fake information.

This can be, for example, links to fake websites or incorrect reply addresses (if you click on “Reply”, the email will be sent to a different address than the original one).

The aim of the fraud is to use the data received to, for example, loot an account or use the person's email account for sending mail, and to harm the relevant person.

How can you recognize phishing mails now? By observing the following points:

Check the sender
Note salutation (personal or impersonal)
Pay attention to spelling and grammar
Watch out for potential traps (if there are links in the mail, move your mouse over them and check the website)
See which recipient appears on “Reply to Mail” (a different address than the sender's address or the same one?)
See if there is an urgent input of data or if you are asked to enter log-in data
Listen to the gut feeling

If all these points are taken into account, many phishing mails should be easy to recognize.