(en) Password Guide

Table of Contents

The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief overview of the guidelines for changing the password. It explains different possibilities of changing passwords and documents what a secure password should look like.

1. Guidelines for the new password

1.1 What are the structural requirements for a password?

  • Minimum length of the password: 8 characters
  • You have to use at least 3 of the 4 following groups of characters: 
    • Upper-case letters (A – Z)
    • Lower-case letters (a – z)
    • Numbers (0 – 9)
    • Special characters from the following set: ; : - , . _ # + ! ( ) & = $

1.2 Please stick to the following requirements

  • Please use no umlauts
  • Use only the special characters listed above
  • Avoid trivial passwords such as names, birthdays, etc.
  • Stay away from words that can be found in a dictionary
  • Examples of insecure passwords: 12345678, passwort, asdfghjk, proper names, etc.
  • Make sure to keep your password a secret and never pass it on to third parties!
  • Refrain from writing the password down!
  • Never leave a post-it with your password under your keyboard or in other easily accessible places!

2. There are two ways of changing the password

Attention: If you wish to change your password at a PC of the UAS using Windows, please make sure to proceed as described in item 2.1!

2.1 Directly at a UAS computer

  • After correctly logging into Windows, press the key combination “Strg+Alt+Entf” (“Ctrl+Alt+Del”).
  • Select the option “Kennwort ändern” (change password) from the list of tasks.
  • Enter your existing password in the field “Altes Kennwort” (old password).
  • Enter a new password in accordance with the guidelines listed below in the field “Neues Kennwort” (new password).
  • Enter the new password once again in the field “Kennwort bestätigen” (confirm password) and confirm by clicking on the arrow.

2.2 Via the site https://portal.fhstp.ac.at

Go to https://portal.fhstp.ac.at 

Attention: Before typing anything, please make sure that the URL you have accessed is identical with the above-mentioned URL (https://portal.fhstp.ac.at)!

Log in with your user name and current password. Then select “Passwort ändern” (change password).

Now enter your current password in the field “altes Kennwort” (old password).
Enter your new password in the field “neues Kennwort” (new password).
Enter your new password once again in the field “Kennwortwiederholung” (repeat new password).
Only if the password is in line with the criteria (see above), the button “Kennwort ändern” (change password) can be selected and the change of password will be confirmed.

Important: Please do not forget to log out of the system – to do this, click on “abmelden” (log out).

Note: In order to support users in changing their password, a green check mark appears next to the criteria at the top of the page once the respective criterion has been fulfilled.

3. What to do if you have forgotten your password

3.1 Reset via TAN list (only for lecturers)

Go to https://portal.fhstp.ac.at.

Attention: Before typing anything, please make sure that the URL you have accessed is  identical with the above-mentioned URL (https://portal.fhstp.ac.at)!

Log in with your user name and current password. Then select “Passwort vergessen?” (password forgotten).

In the field “Captcha”, please enter the character sequence displayed in the blue box.
Enter your user name in the indicated field and hit the button “TAN anfordern” (request TAN).

Now enter the requested TAN from your TAN list.
Enter your new password in the field “neues Kennwort” (new password).
Enter your new password once again in the field “Kennwortwiederholung” (repeat new password).
Only if the password is in line with the criteria (see above), the button “Kennwort setzen” (set password) can be selected and the change of password will be confirmed.

3.2 Reset via mobile TAN

Go to https://portal.fhstp.ac.at.

Attention: Before typing anything, please make sure that the URL you have accessed is  identical with the above-mentioned URL (https://portal.fhstp.ac.at)!

Log in with your user name and current password. Then select “Passwort vergessen?” (password forgotten).

In the field “Captcha”, please enter the character sequence displayed in the blue box.
Enter your user name in the field “Username” and hit the button “TAN anfordern” (request TAN).

Now enter the TAN that you have received via text message on your mobile phone.
Enter your new password in the field “neues Kennwort” (new password).
Enter your new password once again in the field “Kennwortwiederholung” (repeat new password).
Only if the password is in line with the criteria (see above), the button “Kennwort setzen” (set password) can be selected and the change of password confirmed.

4. What is essential after changing the password?

4.1 Wi-Fi

In case you use the Wi-Fi of the St. Pölten UAS, don’t forget to change the password when logging in the first time.

4.2 Outlook

For staff members of the St. Pölten UAS: you have to enter the new password when using Outlook for the first time.

4.3 IMAP, POP3 and SMTP settings

In order to continue to be able to retrieve e-mails via POP3 or IMAP, you have to deposit the new password in your e-mail programme as well.

4.4 Proxy password

In case you have saved the password in your browser during proxy authentication, you have to enter the new password for your first login here as well.

Attention: For security reasons, you should refrain from saving the password during proxy login!

4.5 Passwords saved in the browser

If you have passwords saved in your browser, you have to enter the new password there and save it.

Attention: For security reasons, you should never save passwords in your browser!

4.6 Passwords saved on the mobile phone

In case you are using ActiveSync (iPhone, PDA, etc.), the password has to be synchronised here.

Attention: Wi-Fi on the mobile phone also requires the new password!