(en) CIS Time Wish/Timelock Guide


The Campus Information System (short CIS) can be reached at: https://cis.fhstp.ac.at

After logging in with your UAS user details, you can find the input form under the menu item “Mein CIS” (my CIS).

1. Time Wishes (Zeitwunsch)

Before making any time requests, your week schedule looks like this:


2 At these times, I want to teach

1 At these times, I can teach

-1 At these times, I am only available if absolutely necessary

-2 At these times, I absolutely cannot teach

Please complete the table with your time preferences (and keep the weighing in mind). Make sure to avoid extremely narrow time frames – otherwise your requests will be difficult to take into account. Press “Speichern” (save) to save your entries to the CIS. 

The different time requests are now displayed in different colours and can be used directly for course planning.

2. Timelock (Zeitsperre)

You can enter your planned absences before the course planning. This ensures that your courses will not be scheduled on these dates.

Please note that these requests have to be filed in due time before the course planning in order to be considered. Briefly explain your reason and provide a short description and the period in which you cannot teach courses at the St. Pölten UAS. Entries can be changed or deleted at any time.