(en) CIS Online Calendar Guide

Table of Contents

1. Thunderbird

1.1 CIS calendar export

1.1.1 Personal course plan

Log into the CIS system of the St. Pölten UAS and click on “persönl. LV-Plan“ (personal course plan) in the menu “Mein CIS“ (my CIS).

1.1.2 Calendar icon iCal Export

1.1.3 Copy link address Google Chrome

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address). Firefox

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address). Internet Explorer

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address).

1.2 Calendar import in Thunderbird

1.2.1 Create new calendar

Open the calendar view in Thunderbird. Right-click on the button below the existing calendar and select “Neuer Kalender…” (new calendar).

1.2.2 Select network calendar

If you select this option, all CIS updates are adopted automatically.
In the local calendar on the computer, on the other hand, changes are not synchronised!

Now enter the previously copied link:

Now customise your calendar according to your individual requirements using the following options:

Then click on “Fertigstellen“ (complete):

The calendar has been imported and is continuously updated for the current semester.

2. Outlook 2016

2.1 CIS calender export

2.1.1 Personal course plan

Login into the CIS system of the St. Pölten UAS and click on “persönl. LV-Plan“ (personal course plan) in the menu “Mein CIS“ (my CIS).

2.1.2 Calendar icon iCal Export

2.1.3 Copy link address Google Chrome

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address). Firefox

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address). Internet Explorer

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Verknüpfung kopieren” (copy link).

2.2 Calendar import in Outlook 2016

Switch to the calendar view in Outlook.

Then click on “Kalender öffnen“ (open calendar) in the toolbar and select “Aus dem Internet…“ (from the Internet…).

Now enter the previously copied link and confirm with “OK“:

Under “Erweitert“ (advanced), you can now configure the Internet calendar and enter a calendar name:

Confirm the settings by clicking on “OK“, then click on “Ja“ (yes) to add the calendar:

The original calendar and the CIS calendar are now displayed next to each other. You can select the option “Überlagerung” (overlap) by right-clicking on the CIS calendar – both calendars are then displayed as one, so to say.

Finished! The calendar has been imported and is continuously updated for the current semester.

3. iPhone

Log into the CIS (https://cis.fhstp.ac.at) via Safari and navigate to your personal course schedule. Hold down the calendar icon and select “Kopieren” (copy):

Switch to the settings of your iPhone. Add a new account in the submenu under the item “Kalender” (calendar), then click on “Andere” (other):


Add a calendar subscription and enter the previously copied link. After that, click on “Weiter” (next) and “Sichern” (save).


In case the dates are not visible in the calendar yet, click on “Kalender” (calendar) and check the box by clicking on the respective calendar subscription.


4. Google Kalender

4.1 CIS Kalenderexport

4.1.1 Persönlicher LV-Plan

Login into the CIS system of the St. Pölten UAS and click on “persönl. LV-Plan“ (personal course plan) in the menu “Mein CIS“ (my CIS).

4.1.2 Kalendericon iCal Export Google Chrome

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address). Firefox

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address). Internet Explorer

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address).

4.2 Kalenderimport in Google Kalender

Open the Google calendar. Click on the plus symbol next to “Weitere Kalender hinzufügen” (add further calendars), then select “Per URL” (via URL).


After entering the previously copied link and confirming the selection, the calendar is added.

5. Mac

5.1 CIS calendar export

5.1.1 Personal course plan

Login into the CIS system of the St. Pölten UAS and click on “persönl. LV-Plan“ (personal course plan) in the menu “Mein CIS“ (my CIS).

5.1.2 Calendar icon iCal Export

5.1.3 Copy link address Safari

Right-click on the calendar icon and select “Adresse des Links kopieren” (copy link address).

5.2 Calendar import in Mac

Click on the “Ablage” (file) and select “Neues Kalenderabonnement…” (new calendar subscription):

Paste the copied address, then select “Abonnieren“ (subscribe):

After that, you have the opportunity to configure the Internet calendar and to choose a calendar name.

Once you confirm with “OK“, the calendar import is completed.