(en) FAQ Lecturers
What is the difference between standard Campus card and Pool Card?
Pool Campus Cards are intended for lecturers who teach blocked courses or only a few courses per semester. The standard equipment is assigned to all other lecturers. The decision as to whether a lecturer is provided with a Campus Card lies with the respective Academic Director.
For more information, visit: ALEx/Grundlegendes fürs Semester/IT und Infrastruktur/Funktion Standard-Campus Card, Funktion Leih-Campus Card.
My Campus Card does not work. Whom do I need to contact?
The Campus and Study Center will open the necessary rooms and, if necessary, request a new card for you.
I have lost/forgotten Campus Card. Who do I need to contact?
You will receive a replacement Card in the Campus and Study Center for the duration of your course. In case of loss, you will be charged 10 EUR for the Campus Card. The amount has to be paid in the Campus and Study Center in cash.
How do I add copy credit to my card?
At the beginning of your teaching activities, you will receive your Campus Card with a starting balance of 100 EUR. Once the balance has been consumed, please send an e-mail to your Academic Director and request a re-charge. Duration: about three to five working days. If you urgently need printouts/copies, please contact your study programme or further education programme administration.
Do I always have to lock the (seminar) rooms after my course?
Yes, please lock the seminar rooms after your course. Computer rooms and labs are equipped with access control and can be used by students outside of courses. Therefore, we ask you to only close these rooms, but not to lock them. A reorganisation of the seminar room has to be carried out by the respective lecturer. Students are welcome to assist. Please make sure to restore the original state after the end of the course.
Can I keep my Campus Card after completion of the course (at the end of the semester)?
Yes, if more teaching commitments are planned in the upcoming semesters. If continuation of the teaching activity remains unclear, please return the Campus Card. If you received a Pool Campus Card, please return it to the Campus and Study Centre immediately after your last course of the respective semester or leave it in the mailbox which is opposite the Campus and Study Center.
How do I receive my course schedule?
The course schedule can be found at: http://cis.fhstp.ac.at / Mein CIS (My CIS) / Persönlicher LV-Plan (Personal course schedule).
Where can I receive information on distance learning?
You can find information on tools, etc. at https://learn.fhstp.ac.at/startseite/tools/fernlehre/. Please turn to the LEARN team at learn@fhstp.ac.at if you need a short introduction, support for getting started or didactic advice on creating distance learning lessons.
Why do I need to keep an attendance list?
In the implementing provisions of the respective study programme, the minimum attendance of courses is laid down. The lack of attendance affects the completion of the course.
Please find the examination regulations and the specific regulations of your study programme on our website (Statute of the St. Pölten UAS Part 2 – Study Law).
Who do I have to contact if I need to reschedule/postpone my course?
Inform the students via eCampus and send an e-mail to the course planning unit and the responsible study programme administration.
Where do I submit my attendance sheets and exam papers after completion of the course?
Please deliver the documents to the respective study programme administration. Outside of opening hours, you can leave them in the administration’s postbox or in the Campus and Study Center.
I cannot enter any grades! What do I have to do? Whom can I contact?
Please write an e-mail to the UAS service unit IT and I: support@fhstp.ac.at or call our hotline +43 2742 313 228-111.
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism means the unlawful imitation or publication of an artistic or scientific work created by somebody else. Therefore, plagiarism equates to the theft of intellectual property. The service unit Human Resources and Legal Affairs can offer more information on the subject.
Can I, as a lecturer, offer and teach an optional subject?
Yes, please forward your idea to the responsible Academic Director. The process and timetable for optional subjects can be found at: http://cis.fhstp.ac.at / Info / Dokumente (Documents) / Guides / Guides für LektorInnen (Guides for Lecturers) / Freifachprozess und Zeitplan für Einreichung (Optional Subject Process and Timetable for Submission).
Whom do I contact in case of technical problems?
IT and I
tel: +43 2742 313 228–111
e-mail: support@fhstp.ac.at
Which technical equipment is available in the seminar rooms and lecture halls?
All seminar rooms are equipped with a PC, a beamer and an audio system, a connection for laptops and for external audio sources. Lecture halls as well as the small assembly hall are additionally equipped with a DVD player (connected to the beamer) and a CD player. Laptops can be borrowed from the service unit IT and I.
How do I use the wireless network of the UAS?
Information can be found at: http://cis.fhstp.ac.at / Info / Guides / WLanGuide.
If you have further questions concerning the wireless network, please contact the service unit IT and I.
Are there any other options if I do not want to actively use the UAS mail account?
You can redirect the UAS e-mail to a different e-mail address. Please note that all important information of the St. Pölten UAS is communicated via your UAS e-mail account, thus making the maintenance of your account mandatory.
http://cis.fhstp.ac.at / Info / Dokumente (Documents) / Guides / Guides für LektorInnen (Guides for Lecturers) / Mail-Umleitung Exchange (E-Mail Forwarding Exchange).
Where can I leave forgotten items or whom do I contact if I have lost something?
There is a Lost & Found Box in the Campus and Service Center.
What do I do in the event of an alarm?
As a lecturer, you are responsible for your students. Take the fastest route out of the building leading to the assembly point, which is located at the area "Junction cycle path - Heinrich Schneidmadl-Straße”.
A map of the escape routes is available in every seminar room or lecture hall.
Where can I park?
Your Campus Card allows you to use the car park of the St. Pölten UAS free of charge.
How can I provide first aid?
Our Emergency Centers (marked in red) are located on all floors next to the coffee and vending machines. These are equipped with necessary information, telephone numbers, a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and a modern automated external defibrillator.
Where can I find the UAS corporate signature and information regarding the corporate identity?
All relevant information is available in the corporate identity manual at cis.fhstp.ac.at / Info / Vorlagen/Protokolle (Templates/Protocols).