(en) Information Sheet Insurance
1. Accident Insurance
Students from Austria and abroad (provided that there is a social insurance agreement with Austria in place) have a statutory accident insurance within the scope of the General Social Insurance Act (ASVG).
No registration or application is necessary, and no fees are collected. This accident insurance is neither subject to an age limit, nor is it tied to the family allowance.
The insurance protection applies to accidents which occur in connection to your studies (e.g., accidents on the way to or from the university of applied sciences, accidents in connection with ÖH activities). Occupational illnesses are also covered in this connection. The insurance period corresponds to the study period as a degree programme student.
For queries: Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA), 1200 Wien, Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 65 (Tel. 33-1-11-0), provincial offices in Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck, and Dornbirn.
2. ÖH Student Insurance
Students (degree programme students and continuing education students) have an accident and liability insurance throughout the entire semester once they have paid the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) fee. However, the ÖH insurance only applies if you do not have your own private accident and/or liability insurance or you have already received a confirmation by your private insurance provider that it does not cover/pay anything in your case. The ÖH is the insurance policy holder, i.e., the contracting partner of Generali Versicherungs AG (also called insurance provider), but you are the insured person!
In general, the insurance covers all accidents and damages that can occur within the framework of your studies. In terms of space, this mainly applies to the UAS and the student homes pursuant to the Hall of Residence Act (StudHG). Accidents and damages that occur within the framework of events which are directly related to your studies, e.g., excursions, trips, ÖH events, or internships are also covered by the insurance. The same applies to a voluntary Famulatur (clinical traineeship).
In addition, the ways to or from the abovementioned premises, properties, and activities are covered. The way from the abovementioned locations to the nearest supermarket is also covered provided that it serves to meet the needs of daily life, e.g., buying snacks. The insurance also covers exchange semesters and includes almost the entire world. However, there is NO insurance coverage for liability damages in the US, Australia, and Canada.
An Overview of the Facts
- 70 cents of the ÖH fees per person and semester go into this insurance
- Policy numbers: accident insurance: 000 1809 6819; liability insurance: 000 1810 4297
- Insurance coverage: liability insurance: 1 million euros for property damages and personal injuries to third parties; accident insurance: 7,500 euros for accident costs, 50,000 – max. 100,000 euros for permanent disability, 15,000 euros for accidental death
- Reimbursement of half the tuition fees in case of a continuous accident-related hospital stay of more than three weeks
Report of Damages
To report damages, you need to send the completed damages form directly to oeh-versicherung.at@generali.com. If you need support, please contact the Department for Social Policy at the St. Pölten UAS from the beginning: sozref.oeh@fhstp.ac.at.
To ensure prompt processing, it is essential that you include all available documents, evidence, police reports, etc. It is also necessary to include a current confirmation of enrolment.
Often, you need a confirmation of a valid accident and liability insurance for your exchange semester, your Famulatur, or an excursion.
The representatives of the federal ÖH can issue such a confirmation (exclusively electronically) in German and English on behalf of Generali Versicherungs AG. To request a confirmation, send an e-mail (subject: confirmation) with your confirmation of enrolment to an studierendenversicherung@oeh.ac.at and include the following data.
- first and last name
- address of current residency
- student registration number or student identification number (UAS)
- confirmation of enrolment
Important information: Please note that the ÖH insurance is neither a health insurance nor can it replace one!
Further information and the corresponding forms are available on the following website: https://www.oeh.ac.at/service/oeh-versicherung
3. Health Insurance
You are not automatically covered by a health insurance. It is up to you to take care of your health insurance cover.
As a student, you are:
- either still insured with your parents (possible under certain conditions and maximum until 27 years of age)
- or you take out a self-insurance policy (you can receive a discount if you fulfil certain requirements).
For the latter case, it is advisable to contact the competent GKK directly. They can provide you with an offer to specifically cater to your needs.
Link to NÖGKK (access the online guide for an information sheet to be created for you that takes your individual needs into account): http://www.noegkk.at/portal27/portal/noegkkportal/channel_content/cmsWindow?action=2&p_menuid=67844&p_tabid=5).