(en) Taskforce Energy

Taskforce Energy says goodbye

Numerous measures were developed and implemented with the help of the entire taskforce team - a big THANK YOU! 

In agreement with the management, the previous taskforce topics will be transferred to the sustainability working group.

Taskforce Energie_Endbericht.pdf

Focus on Sustainable Optimisations   

  • In the Medium Assembly Hall, vertical blinds have been installed to provide additional shading. The blinds have a coating that allows them to keep the heat input from outside to a minimum, which means that less air-conditioning is required in the summer.
  • The programming of the cooling devices for the office rooms in building A has been further optimised with a view to summer operations.
  • Additional motion detectors have been installed (e.g., in the tea kitchens and the storage rooms / technology area). 

Campus operation over Christmas

  • Both buildings will be lowered in temperature. 
  • The screens and advertising boards will be switched off, as will all water heaters in the kitchenettes, showers and toilets.
  • Access to the building will remain possible with the Campus Card; access will not be possible for external persons. 
  • "Full operation will resume on 9.1.2023.

New feature from 2.11.2022 

  • The WLan access points will be switched off during the night hours from 22:00 to 6:00 

Implemented measures / Status 10.10.2022

  • ​​​The printers in the general areas now automatically switch to sleep mode after 2 minutes of inactivity. 
  • Plug-in sockets with switches have been installed in all workstations (that did not have them before). By systematically disconnecting all devices at once, we can further reduce energy used in standby m​​ode. Further information is available here.

    Please note: in some offices, due to technical circumstances, 2 workstations have been combined on one plug-in socket - please take this into account when going home.

    We would also like to point out that this is a solution for saving electricity that can be implemented in the short term and is reasonable in terms of costs. A solution still needs to be found for some workstations; suggestions are welcome.

    Variante Stromfreischaltung an den SteckerleistenVariant power disconnection at the connector strips.

    Variant power disconnection directly at the workstation (note: green and red switches)

Implemented measures / Status 20.09.2022

  • Rooms used for teaching are aired less during lecture-free times (holidays) and are neither cooled nor heated 

  • Screens and advertising boards are also switched off during no lectures or events

  • The toilet facilities no longer use warm water 

  • When it comes to seminar and meeting rooms, the electronic door signs are switched off at night and during weekends using timers 

  • Labs

We have also taken energy-saving measures in the labs 2.02 (Network Lab), 2.03 (InfoSec Lab), 2.04 (Deep Learning Lab) and 2.05 (Cyber Defence Lab). The PCs now shut down automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity regardless of the time of day. Devices that have users logged in are left running. 

Some labs have central switches. These switches – as well as individual devices that users often forget to turn off – are now checked at regular intervals and turned off or have daily shut-down routines set up. 

  • The timer of the lab air-conditioning has been optimised and the automatic shutdown adjusted to the users’ needs 
  • "Public PCs" (computer rooms, lecture halls, seminar rooms, library) automatically shut down after 2 hours of inactivity
  • The timing of the motion detectors has been reduced to a minimum 
  • The exterior lighting on the campus premises is now turned off between 22:00 and 6:00 (except for the escape route lighting)  

We are still working on optimising the light settings in general areas such as the main hall in building B, student areas, passages, etc.