
User Manual Small Assembly Hall

Start projection

  1. Switch on PC and log in using your own UAS login data.

  2. Select the source (1) to use the projection. This way, the screen will be automatically lowered, the lights dimmed, and the projection started.


Start video conference

1. Start MS Teams and log in using your own St. Pölten UAS login data.

  1. On the media control system, change to the tab Teams (3) in the upper right.
    This allows you to use a video conference system with two cameras (in the back and in the front) and ceiling microphones.

  2. Now, click on “Einschalten” (Switch on) in Teams (4) in the lower left.

Now, the screen is automatically lowered, the lights are adjusted, and the projection from the PC is started.


  1. Check MS Teams settings (5):
    Click on your photo “Profil” (Profile) “Konto verwalten”(Manage account) “Geräte” (Devices).

  2. Start MS Teams meeting and share screen if necessary.



  1. On the media control system, the camera perspective can be changed between front “vorne(audience) and back “hinten(speaker) (6). The speaker in the “hinten” perspective is automatically tracked by the camera in the area in the front of the room.

  2. You can switch the camera tracking on and off by pressing “Tracking(7). Alternatively, the camera position can be altered using “Pan/Tilt” and “Zoom” (8) on the media control system.

  3. The ceiling microphones are switched on by default. They automatically cover the entire room and specifically track the person who is currently speaking. This allows both the speakers and the audience to speak freely. Alternatively, speakers can use the headset, which is also transmitted to the room and to MS Teams.

  4. By default, the projection is connected to the PC on site. Alternatively, you can also connect your own laptop via HDMI, DisplayPort, or USB-C. To do so, change the source under “Projektion”. IMPORTANT: The projection from your own laptop is only visible for the room and cannot be shared in MS Teams.


  1. Shut down PC.

  2. Click on “Anlage AUS(9) in the upper right of the media control system.

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